Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dead Funny: Humor in Hitler's Germany by Rudolph Herzog

(The picture is first posted by PAUL CONSTANT on MON, MAY 30, 2011 at 10:07 AM, under the article title "A Study of Humor in Nazi Germany" on SLOG, The Stranger; re-posted from: SLOG: NEWS & ARTS; the book cover you see on Amazon's website is different.)

Today, I came across an interesting book on humor in Hitler's Germany. The subtitle of the book alone amazes me. I believe most people wouldn't have believed in such a research topic before they saw the book. To match the surprise offered by its subtitle, the humor of the main title is very, very dry.

A few quick links are posted here for those of you who are interested and also for my own reference in the future.

Amazon's link:

Paul Constant's link:

 The content of this post and the reference to its sources have never been made known to or approved by Mr. Paul Constant or, the agent of the book author, Mr. Rudolph Herzog, or This blog post is therefore subject to immediate removal upon notice.