Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The Moore, the Merrier: Moore and Her Poetic Humor

“Humor Saves Steps”: Laughter and Humanity in Marianne Moore
Rachel Trousdale

Journal of Modern Literature
Vol. 35, No. 3 (Spring 2012), pp. 121-138 (18 pages)
Published by: Indiana University Press
Previous Item

In this essay, Rachel Trousdale argues that "Moore uses humor as a test of friendship" (121) and "[h] both an end in itself and a means to ever-greater things" (ibid). Trousdale obviously deviates from the negative track of the Superiority Theory and finds us a path that leads to the bonding, uniting, and befriending capacity of humor.

While commenting on "Play and Identiy in 'A Prize Bird' and 'The Wood-Weasel'" and "Humor in the 'Pangolin'" (the two sections that constitute the main body of this essay), Trousdale speaks of Henri Bergson, and relates Moore's use of laughter to Bergson's view on laughter:

While Moore and Bergson both use laughter to identify the boundary between "like me" and "unlike me," Moore reverses the direction of Bergson's judgment. His laughter demarcades alienating difference, while hers indicates an important sameness. (124)

Here we find that Bergson sees laughter as "difference-driven" while Moore sees humor as "similarity-driven." This similiary can be anything in common shared between humans, humans and objects, and humanity and poetry, as later interpreted by Trousdale. Trousdale later continues:

Moore's humor follows Bergson's model here [in "The Pangolin"] to the extent that it demands that we see similarity across difference, but it is profoundly anti-Bergsonian in its reliance on sympathy between observer and observed. [...] Where Bergson claims that humor depends on "indiffernce," Moore, as we shall see, suggests that our capacity to unite disparate objects within a single frame of refernce--whether into art or into the comic--is both what distinguishes humans from animals and what allows us to appreicate our common features. (130)

Trousdale develops this essay by comparing and contrasting Bergson and Moore for a theoretical interpretation of the poetic text. To conclude this essay, Trousdae recapitulates:

Humor's synthesis of different skills and ideas is an expression of the smae impulse which gives rise to poetry. Moore's description of humor as "saving steps" suggests that humor, like poetry, is a highly efficient and condensed means of [end of Page 136] communication and sympathy-creation, enfolding multiple layers of meaning, [...] Humor [...] is characteristic of the entire human species, at once distinguishing us from and linking us to the rest of creation. Our fellow humans, panglins and wasps all share characteristics which require a sense of humor--Moore's anti-Bergsonian humor, which has us laugh with pleasure when we reconginze ourselves in another--to understand. Our aburdity and our strength, Moore suggests, arise from the same source: our multifarious self-contradictions, which humor allows us to recognize and turn into tools. (136-137)

With Moore's poetry as a contrast to Bergson's thoery, Trousdale points to a new direction of humor studies: Humor can be non-Superiority, non-Relief, and non-Incongruity, but instead, similarity-based, commonality-powered, and alliance-driven; humor can be a means of bonding and a show of universal compassion.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Normalcy vs. Violation

A Theory of Humor.

Thomas C. Veatch 

Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, 11(2), 161–215. First Published 1998.

It was way back in 1998 when Veatch spoke of violation in terms of humor. Most of us may, under the impression of The Humor Code (2014), associate violation (in humor studies) with Peter McGraw and Joel Warner. 

According to Veatch, "humor  occurs when a perceiver views a situation simultaneously as being normal  and  as constituting a violation of the subjective moral order" (212). According to Peter McGraw and Joel Warner's Benign-Violation Theory, when something is violated (going wrong) without doing serious damage (benign; no harm done).

In fact, McGraw makes it clear that he conducts his research on humoristic violation with awareness of Veatch's theory:

"Veatch posited what he called the 'N+V Theory,' the idea that humor occurs when someone perceives a situation is a violation of a 'subjective moral principle' (V) while simultaneously realizing that the situation is normal (N)" (The Humor Code 8).

And, with a touch of modification, the normal (N) in the theory, is revised and replaced with the benign:

"To them [Caleb Warren and Peter McGraw, who co-author "Benign Violations: Making Immoral Behavior Funny," Psychological Science (2010): 1141-1149] the term 'benign,' rather than 'normal,' better encapsulated the many ways a violation could be okay, acceptable, or safe--and gave them a clear-cut tool to determine when and why a violation [...] can be funny" (The Humor Code 10; the following figure also appears on Page 10).

This explains the transition from N+V Theory to the Benign Violation Theory. With this explanation, we are better informed of probably the fourth best known theory of humor after Superiority, Incongruity, and Relief theories.

To conclude, "[a]ccording to the benign violation theory, humor is caused by something potentially wrong, unsettling, or threatening" (The Humor Code 52).

Thursday, November 18, 2021

BBC's Semiotic Analysis of Humor

What makes modern Britain laugh? How semiotics helped the BBC bridge the Humor Gap
Chris Arning
International Journal of Market Research, vol. 63, 3: pp. 275-299. , First Published March 15, 2021

In order to find out why BBC is losing its young audience, the company commissioned research centers to conduct semiotic analysis based on 800 data points for production advice. By adopting multifaceted methodology including hashtag taxonomy, this research offers suggestions to BBC and shows us the top 20 popular humor types and a table of humor quadrants with their rhetorical functions.
The top 20 types are (283-285) : human foibles (237 data points, i.e. entries f WhatsApp diaries), eccentric characters (164), inter-textuality (156), silliness/cheesiness (147), funny mannerisms (143), in-our group distinction (134), rubbishness/crapness (124), disparagement/diminishment (104), randomness/absurdity (103), emotional hysteria (102), gender rancour (97), slapstic/physical (95), anthropomorphism (93), transgression (90), schadenfreude/reversal (89), cultural/social mores (85), scorn/mockery (81), exaggeration/hyperbole (80), awkwardness/cringe (80), and word play/puns (80).

The table of the humor quadrants and the top 20 types mapped on the table (292):

Arning, Chris. “What Makes Modern Britain Laugh? How Semiotics Helped the BBC Bridge the Humor Gap.” International Journal of Market Research, vol. 63, no. 3, 2021, pp. 275–299.,